Sunday, March 11, 2012

Prologue: The Decisions and Events That Led to Solo Travel

I am a woman that has always liked to travel. Back in my twenties, I was always up for a quick trip to see relatives or friends, and usually enjoyed the time away, but I had never really been that far from my home base so to speak.  When I was 25, some friends and I decided to go to the Caribbean, it was a first for most of us, so we excitedly sat down and planned the trip and eventually made our way to the Bahamas.  We had such a good time we decided we had to make traveling like this a yearly event.

Unfortunately all did not go as planned, things came up and time got away from us, so no trips were embarked upon and none were even being considered.  2 years passed and with no trip on the horizon, I found out other friends were going to Puerto Rico, so I ended up inviting myself on that trip. We had a great time. I promised myself then that I would do some kind of vacation every year if it killed me.  The next year came, and I corralled my friends together and planned a winter trip to Jamaica.  This group of friends were a few of my closest, plus two friends of friends, and though we had a great time, one of the extras, ended up being a complete bitch.  She actually did her best to almost ruin our last night there.
How did she almost ruin our night you may ask, well let me tell you the story. As I mentioned earlier, three of the group were my really close friends; the other two were just casual friends to me through two of those friends.  My friends were Denise, Sasha and Leah.  Beelzebub was a friend of Denise and Sasha. The whole trip she just had a nasty attitude, and she was rude, especially to the men who made the mistake of trying to flirt with her, which is fine if you’re not interested. But my motto when you're on vacation, is this, be friendly, even if you're rejecting the flirtation because after all you don’t have to take him home, but you also don’t have to be a rude assed bitch either. 
Denise had made “friends” with one of the hotel bellman during our trip, and he invited the group to his friend’s restaurant on our last night there.  We were picked up by another of bellman’s friends, so eight of us squeezed into a car, it was a big car mind you, but there were eight of us, so it was a tight ride, as we drove way out into the countryside of Montego Bay.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, and let me tell you it looked more like a shack than a restaurant, we walked in, to find what upon first glance looked like a complete dive.  Everyone sitting at the bar looked like the Jamaican version of a rough neck. I was kind of expecting to see machetes lying on the bar because those brothers looked scary as hell. As we made our way to the back area, we smiled big old smiles and said hello to everybody in that joint.  The back room was the main dining part of the bar, and it was surprisingly very nice.  We sat down and proceeded to have a very good time.  

When the check came, Beelzebub started bitching about the amount she was charged. (As a side note at the time the exchange rate was 33 Jamaican dollars to every one US dollar. So basically Beelzebub was arguing over pennies). The rest of us looked at her like she was crazy. Did she forget where we were, and who was sitting out front?  I really wanted to shout “girl have you lost your damned mind!”  Leah and I lay our money on the table with a smile, and said thank you for the hospitality to the owner and excused ourselves, saying we had to go to the restroom.  We nonchalantly strolled outside, smiling sweetly at the men at the bar as we left.  We waited on the others to settle the dispute, wondering if we would have to make a run for it and knowing if we did, we would be out of luck because we didn't know where the hell we were.  Luckily it all worked out and we made it back to the hotel in one piece.

I later told Denise and Sasha they needed to speak to Beelzebub about her attitude and behavior, as for me and Leah, we couldn't wait to see the back of her.

After that trip I promised myself to be more discriminate when choosing traveling companions (in other words don’t travel with that chick ever again!!!!)  

When the next year came around most of the members of the group either had boyfriends who did not want them going anywhere without said boyfriends, or the scheduling couldn’t be agreed upon, so the group dwindled down to just two. We went to Cancun.  Even though it was only a duo, we had a nice time.

I made myself the same promise once again when I got home, that I would be traveling again the next year, and if I had to do it alone then so be it.  (Of course I did not expect that would happen so I knew I was lying to myself, or so I thought).

What this so called prologue has led up to, is my first real experience of taking a true vacation alone.  ALL BY MYSELF, as Eric Carmen would say in a song. (I just found out who sung that, by the way. You learn something new every day, because I really thought it was a woman). 

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